
A Breeks' Boarding School veteran - and nearly 5!
There were about 20 beds in my dormitory at Lushington Hall. My bed was at the end nearest to Miss Reeves' door. She was matron, if I was good I got horlicks. Once, a few of us dallied on our way back from the day-school in town; we all got the bristle brush on our bare bottoms, over her knee, as she sat in the place with basins. It didn't seem at all funny at the time, and I never did it again.
Tuesday afternoon was tuck-time. Once David and I each were sent a small wooden box filled with goodies. The condensed milk was my favourite. On Sundays we would march down the hill to church in Ooty. The marching order was "left, left, left-right-left" to be shouted by an older boy acting as sergeant - one day, I was proud because it was my big brother David.
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