

Christmas Day
Bob wears his present, he's one degree under.
Dyson's in the hall.
First Christmas in the front room. Posted by Picasa
Ep and Inigo (sorry they're out of focus) Posted by Picasa

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Inigo in Finsbury Park

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Brothers in the garden

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Bully snake is shy, hiding behind Lucy.
Inigo loves sharing.
The dream team down on a visit.


Hundreds turned up for the audition, but they liked her best.
Tom just spotted a shark!
Learning her Goneril speech
She just came down from Blackburn

New Year's Tango Ball

Tango's all about foot fetish (and that's why I like it!)
Look how she's having to prop me up after all that champagne.
When I didn't keep a tight grip, she'd get whisked off!
Mike learned that move in BA

In spite of the flooding and the squalls which demolished the building barriers, we were cozy, watching Jake's Sopranos DVD's (2nd series). Posted by Picasa

We would spend hours gazing down on the comings and goings in the Sainsbury's car park.
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Hereford Cathedral, from our window
That's Ep in her new sheepskin which she bought in Ledbury. Notice the Clio in the best parking space. This Travelodge had a notice outside declaring "I'm changing into a Travelodge". I didn't understand the significance, until Ep explained (it was only just opened, and it was advertising what the construction was going to be).
This was taken from the Sainsbury's cafe, where I had a cooked breakfast, every morning. You can see our window - it is that one on the top right hand corner.
If I were giving prizes, the Hereford Travelodge would certainly come high on the shortlist. Posted by Picasa